A light weight silk scarf hand painted by Louise a lovely soft silk that is so easy to wear
A Celtic tree of Life in beautiful autumnal colours of yellow, orange, green and olive
A wax drawing of the tree of life with spiral and leaf embelishments,
Size 45 x 180 cm
A gift idea for those big birthdays, anniversaries, retirements and bird lovers and Christmas gift ideas
Each scarf is gift wrapped in tissue paper I can send the scarves directly to the person that the gift is for just send me a message and I can add a hand made card with your greeting.
Free shipping ships in Ireland in 1-3 days and up to 14 days for the rest of the world
Hand painted silk scarf
handbemalter Seidenschal
foulard en soie peint à la main
Pañuelo de seda pintado a mano