A silk wall hanging hand painted batik drawing of a tree by Louise Loughman
In shades of violet, blue and golden yellows and pinks
A tree set in among the bluebells with dark blues and with bright sunshine and butterflies a stylised image that I hope might add some happiness and brightness to your home and life
Size 11 x 53 inches approx
An unlined hanging in a silk habotai finished and hemmed with a satin ribbon in a pale yellow
Hung from a wooden dowel rod with a hand twisted chord
Inspired by the tree of life with a colourful and earthy forrest feel
This would make a lovely wedding gift or house warming gift an original piece of textile art hand painted In Swallow Studios in County Monaghan by artist Louise Loughman
This hanging comes gift wrapped in tissue paper and a card box
Arte mural de seda pintado a mano
Art mural en soie peint à la main
Handbemalte Wandkunst aus Seide
Handgeschilderde zijden kunst aan de muur