This hand painted silk scarf by Louise features a wax drawing of a tree of life with lots of Celtic swirls giving it a real Celtic feel.
The firey reds and oranges blended with flashes of green, olive and purple bring a warm earthy taste of autumn so perfect for this time of year lets get back to nature
Size 45 x 180 cm so a great size a scarf that has the volume of a shawl perfect for adding colour to winter jackets and coats or adding vibrant colous to plain party dresses.
A lovely gift idea for all those big birthdays, retirements, anniversaries and much more just to make you feel good.
handbemalter Seidenschal in herbstlichen Farben
Pañuelo de seda pintado a mano en colores otoñales
Foulard en soie peint à la main aux couleurs automnales